
Conference description Requirements engineering in medical technology

Requirements engineering is a part of software engineering gaining a bigger value over the years. Requirements eingineering has an extra importance especially in regulated sectors like medical technology.

The big challenge is to record and document software requirements fast, slim and compliant to IEC 62304. The use of professional tools is indispensable by now. Medical device producers that have to deal with unheralded audits are under the pressure to have a correct and complete documentation of the requirements availabe.

The V-model stacking the stage of requirements engineering chronogically before the implementation was common in medical technology for a long time. The challenges in requirements engeineering are changing again with increasingly more agile approaches getting introduced.

Target audience of this conference is:

  • requirements managers
  • quality managers
  • F&E staff
  • Scrum Master
  • Product Owner
  • project managers
  • representatives of companies managing projects for the medical technology branch

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